Welcome to PDHLibrary.com. We offer online pdh engineering continuing education courses for professional engineers. Our courses are accepted in all states except the state of New York. We are an approved course provider for the states of Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, and Louisiana.
Taking an online engineering continuing education course is easy with PDHLibrary.com.
1) Register with our website by clicking on "Create new account".
2) Navigate to the course of your liking. Read, print, and review the course content at your convenience and at no cost to you. Simply click on the "download" button found on each course description page.
3) Once you've read the course materials navigate back to the course description page and click on "Take Quiz". Remember to log in first.
4) You may view and take quiz free of charge. The quiz may be taken as many times as necessary to achieve a 70% passing score.
5) When you pass the quiz a link will be provided for course payment via credit card processing thru PayPal's secure servers.
6) Click on "My Account" to view your course history anytime and to also view and print your certificate of completions when needed.